Virtual seminars according to § 37 Abs. 6 BetrVG for election committees and works councils. Establish a works council with us. Safely.

Virtuelle Seminare nach § 37 Abs. 6 BetrVG für Wahlvorstände und Betriebsräte. Gründe mit uns sicher einen Betriebsrat.

Seminar content

We help founding a works council with you. Our seminars guide election boards through the simplified or regular election process and help you conduct a safe election.

Election procedure

We will help you to use the correct voting procedure correctly.

Organization of the election board

Preparation of the necessary documents and samples. We will help you to communicate properly with the employer.

Training claim

As a rule, we impart required knowledge within the meaning of § 37 Abs. 6 BetrVG.